Dear Media,
I have one question for you: Why is it a major news story that Justin Bieber ate a sandwich on Thursday? Now, if you know me, you know that I am a huge fan of Justin and have been since 2009, but even I don’t really care whether he ate a sandwich from Subway or a burger from In-N-Out.
So here’s how this is going to go- I’m aware that you, as “The Media”, are not a person. I’m combining everyone contributing to the media (certain magazines, people on social media, TMZ) as one person, who I have named (surprise, surprise!) “Media”. And the first thing I have to say to you is, well, thank you. Thank you for everything you have done. (Yes, I’m being sarcastic. Kind of.)
Sarcastic: I actually really hate you for ruining so many lives.
Not Sarcastic: I wouldn’t be able to run this blog without your influence, so I can’t be completely against you. I’ll explain that now. Sandwich my insults right? And not one of the subs Justin Bieber ordered from Subway, more like a whole lot of expired ingredients stuffed in between two pieces of freshly baked bread.
I have grown up with you in my life, ever since I was allowed to have an Instagram and Twitter anyways. Your influence in my life has been monumental and I can’t thank you enough for being my savior for when I’m bored out of my mind. You have provided me with the tools I need to create this blog and you have been my best friend at times, which I don’t know if it’s a good thing, but is cute anyway. You have brought much needed attention to several of the good causes in the world today. You have been a way for me to connect with other people, make new friends, and get back in touch with old ones. So thank you.
And now I can tell you why I hate you. To put it bluntly, I don’t understand why you feel the need to take people’s lives and twist them around so it becomes difficult for them to show their face ever again. Now, I know I’m absolutely nowhere near understanding what it’s like to be a celebrity and have the whole world judge you for every little mistake, but if there’s one thing I do understand, it’s that the world did not create huge celebrities like Justin Bieber or Kanye West to be un-human or anything less of a human being than the rest of us. The only difference between Justin Bieber and I is the fact that his passion and art is more widely recognized by the world. So why does it not matter that I have been rude to people when I’m in one of my moods but it does matter that Justin was rude to a couple people on a certain day at a certain time? I have the answer; you deliberately try to bring celebrities down because you think that other people enjoy reading about how “messed up” other people’s lives are.
The truth is, instead of bringing other human beings down negatively all the damn time, you should be praising them for dealing with so much hate from petty people on social media, the headlines should be the good things the celebrities are doing for us. I see why you would think drama is the only thing that interests the world, but it’s not true. People enjoy reading success stories just as much as they like reading stories about someone else crashing and burning. When was the last time you were inspired because you heard a story about some celebrity getting arrested? Most of these celebrities have worked hard and endured more than you could ever imagine dealing with to get to where they are today, they deserve recognition from the world for that. Maybe instead of adding more to the reason that the entire world judges them, you should be helping him to overcome in and get through these rough patches. You should be a guide for them through the fame, positive influences, because at the end of the day, they’re all still human beings with feeling that you need to learn to respect. We are not built to have to deal with so much pressure, so you have to commend the fact that these people can carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.
Thank you to those who respect the strength of others.
The First Of Only A Few Who Have Addressed This Topic
Once again, great insight and meaningful as well. Your written expression is incredible. You should be proud!!